Outline of the Challenge

The deadline of the challenge is dated to:

August 1995

The Prime Generator.
The prime generator have to produce all primes from 2 in sequel. The algorithm should be able to produce the primes endless. But it is clear, constraints exists. This means if the algorithm is able to produce primes significantly longer than the time limit of

1 hour

it is accepted. After the time limit of one hour the algorithm has to stop and should wait for Quit or any key press. Significantly was meant to be more than one day. The display of the primes should scroll over the screen, so a fast scroll is recommended. From my own experiences I can say 70% of the used time go into the scroll and not into the calculation of the primes. The platform is a standard TI-99/4A with the following items. It is a

The prime generator has to check for the time limit of one hour by itself. Otherwise the originator of the challenge will put in his own watchdog in the code which will cause major problems to the algorithm. The use of the VDP interrupt via the TMS 9901 or the timer itself is recommended. Some pre-calculation not direct producing the primes is allowed. For instance it is OK to assume that only odd numbers could be prime. What does not find the acceptance of the jury is a running program which produce the first number after 5 days, stored in a pre-calculated table. A table look-up for the primes is disallowed, except the usage of old online calculated and displayed primes stored in a table. It is OK to use an eratosthenes crib, which is also a table. The programming language is not fixed. It can be Basic, X-Basic, UCSD-Pascal, C, Assembler or Logo .

The Pi Calculator.
This algorithm should calculate the number Pi as accurate as possible in one hour. The update of the display is of free choice but have to take place every minute at a minimum. The algorithm have to stop after one hour like the other challenge. The system specification is also the same.

Winners of the challenges will receive a spanking brand new copy of Term 80 (provided they can get it over Email).

There is also another challenge, which was one less limited than the others. Basically it is a free category in which you are allowed to do anything and use any of Jeffrey's system components as you please. The programs there were to be judged on originality and/or practicality/usefulness. The full system's specs are:

  1. Turbo 32k RAM, 8k supercart, 4Mhz TI.
  2. Speech Synthesizer
  3. Widget (3 cartridges)
  4. 80k Grom Kracker
  5. Star NX 1000 9pin b/w printer.
  6. TI RS232
  7. Supra Fax/Data Modem (14.4kbps)
  8. TI Colour Monitor (composite)
  9. 3 DSSD drives
  10. max usage of 248k of RAMdisk space (on DSK4.)
Have fun!

Email the originator: Jeffrey Brown, bb737@FreeNet.Carleton.CA


© Dr. Henry Koplien