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4.16 How do I decompress a file with the extension .compressed?

.compressed compress uncompress gnutar tar gzip gunzip

Do this with the following methods.


.compressed files have been compressed in the Workspace Manager. Basically, they are just .tar.Z files. Even single files are tarred as well as compressed. There are several methods of decompressing these files.

  1. They can be decompressed by selecting them in the Workspace, and Selecting uncompress from the file menu.
  2. They can be decompressed by selecting them in the Workspace, and bringing up the Workspace Inspector. (You can double click to get there faster)
  3. You can rename them to be .tar.Z and handle them the way you do them.

FAQ-Authors note: use uncompress to access the .Z files and/or gunzip to access .z/.gz files. Use tar to access .tar files. You might also you gnutar to access both together, e.g. to access a .tar.gz

at once. Read the man pages for more information.

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